Triangle Martin Luther King, Jr. Annual Celebration
The evidence is very strong in today’s society that now is the time to stand for what is humane, right, and just. It is also time to recognize that we are bound together in this world with the potential to create a society of goodness and hope.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. acknowledged the importance of a just society abounding with fairness and basic respect for all people. In his theology and methodology, he embraced a commitment to create a glimpse of the Kingdom of God by stressing the beauty of the “Beloved Community”, where all human and natural life is deemed sacred and worthy of respect and support. He often preached about a single garment of destiny expressing his global vision of justice. On December 11, 1960, in a sermon entitled “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life”, Dr. King expounds on this vision:
“I am absolutely convinced that God is not interested merely in the freedom of black men and brown men and yellow men. But God is interested in the freedom of the whole human race, the creation of a society where all men will live together as brothers and every man will respect the dignity and worth of all human personality.”
Signature Events

2025 Award Applications
Application Deadline December 31, 2024.

King Leader Award Application
The Triangle Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee (TMLKC) invites applicants for our annual “King Leader Award.” This award recognizes leaders in our community who exemplify Dr. King’s passionate commitment to transformation and justice. The King Leader Award recipient will be announced at the annual Triangle Martin Luther King Annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast on January 20, 2025, as part of the Committee’s celebration of the King Holiday.
John Lewis Award Application
The Triangle Martin Luther King, Jr. Committee (TMLKC) is excited to announce our annual award honoring the life and legacy of the late U.S. Congressman and Civil Rights leader, John Lewis. TMLKC invites young leaders between the ages of 14-22 years old (high school or older) who are making a positive impact through social justice activism in the Triangle and surrounding areas (i.e. Chatham, Durham, Franklin, Granville, Johnston, Orange, Vance and Wake counties) The John Lewis Award recipient will be announced at the annual Triangle Martin Luther King Annual Interfaith Prayer Breakfast on January 20, 2025, as part of the Committee’s celebration of the King Holiday.